Phase Maggot

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Disambig-dark.svg Refers to one of the different kinds of Phase Creatures.
phamade.gif Phase Maggot (NPC)
The brain of this Phase Maggot is simply too small for it to be able to grasp the severity of its situation, which is to be dragged out of phase by some unknown power without being able to return to its own realm on its own. It knows that is has no chance of ever solving the mystery, so it imagines itself to have gone on vacation and is looking forward to meeting some new exciting people.
Attack Power: 5
Items:   Life Points: 35 LP
Experience: 1 XP   Occurrence:
Gold: 1 Gold
  • This NPC dissolves after a certain amount of time .
Phase Maggot dissolves.
  • When killing this NPC, any Amulet will be activated 95% less than usual.
  • This NPC cannot be summoned, except it was chased away previously.