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Revision as of 01:27, 4 January 2010

 var calc, form, gw, mx;

 function init_CF() {
   if (!document.getElementById('CFoptions')) return;
   optcont = document.getElementById('CFoptions');
   caption = document.createElement('b');
   caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Lernzeit anzeigen: '));
   form = document.createElement('form');
   form.action = '#';
   form.style.display = 'inline';
   option = document.createElement('input'); option.type = 'radio'; option.setAttribute('onclick', 'switch_CF(this);'); option.checked = 'checked'; 
   option.name = 'CF_switch'; option.value = 'level'; form.appendChild(option); form.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Lernzeit pro Stufe'));
   option = document.createElement('input'); option.type = 'radio'; option.setAttribute('onclick', 'switch_CF(this);');
   option.name = 'CF_switch'; option.value = 'total'; form.appendChild(option); form.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Gesamtlernzeit'));
   option = document.createElement('input'); option.type = 'radio'; option.setAttribute('onclick', 'switch_CF(this);');
   option.name = 'CF_switch'; option.value = 'calc'; form.appendChild(option); form.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Wartezeitenrechner'));
   calc = document.getElementById('CFcalc');
   gw = Number(calc.removeChild(calc.firstChild).nodeValue);
   mx = Number(document.getElementById('CFmax').firstChild.nodeValue);
   form = document.createElement('form');
   form.action = '#';
   table = document.createElement('table');
   tr = document.createElement('tr');
   td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Stufe:')); tr.appendChild(td);
   td = document.createElement('td'); input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text';
   input.style.width = '100px'; input.name = 'CFlevel'; td.appendChild(input); tr.appendChild(td);
   tr = document.createElement('tr');
   td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Stufe Lerntechnik:')); tr.appendChild(td);
   td = document.createElement('td'); input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text';
   input.style.width = '100px'; input.name = 'CFlerntech'; td.appendChild(input); tr.appendChild(td);
   tr = document.createElement('tr');
   td = document.createElement('td'); td.colspan = '2'; td.style.textAlign = 'center';
   input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'button'; input.value = 'Berechnen';
   input.onclick = calc_CF; td.appendChild(input); tr.appendChild(td);
   document.getElementById('CFtotal').style.display = 'none';
   calc.style.display = 'none';

 function switch_CF(option) {
   document.getElementById('CFlevel').style.display = (option.value == 'level' ? 'block' : 'none');
   document.getElementById('CFtotal').style.display = (option.value == 'total' ? 'block' : 'none');
   document.getElementById('CFcalc').style.display = (option.value == 'calc' ? 'block' : 'none');

 function calc_CF() {
   if (isNaN(form.CFlevel.value) || isNaN(form.CFlerntech.value)) return alert('Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben!');
   if ((Number(form.CFlevel.value) > mx) || (Number(form.CFlerntech.value) > 50)) alert('Mindestens ein eingegebener Wert ist höher als die Maximalstufe der betreffenden Fähigkeit. Das Ergebnis ist hypothetisch und kann so nicht im Spiel vorkommen.');
   duration = Math.pow(0.97, form.CFlerntech.value) * (form.CFlevel.value - 1) * gw;
   totalduration = Math.pow(0.97, form.CFlerntech.value) * (form.CFlevel.value - 1) * form.CFlevel.value / 2 * gw;
   lerntechsaving = (form.CFlevel.value - 1) * gw - duration;
   lerntechtotalsaving = (form.CFlevel.value - 1) * form.CFlevel.value / 2 * gw - totalduration;
   if (form.nextSibling) calc.removeChild(form.nextSibling);
   calc.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Das Training auf Stufe ' + form.CFlevel.value + ' dauert '
    + (duration >= 86400 ? String(Math.floor(duration / 86400)) + ' Tage, ' : '') + String(Math.floor((duration % 86400) / 3600))
    + ' Stunden und ' + String(Math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60)) + ' Minuten. Die Gesamtlernzeit beträgt '
    + (totalduration >= 86400 ? String(Math.floor(totalduration / 86400)) + ' Tage, ' : '') + String(Math.floor((totalduration % 86400) / 3600))
    + ' Stunden und ' + String(Math.floor((totalduration % 3600) / 60)) + ' Minuten.' + (form.CFlerntech.value > 0
    ? ' Gegenüber dem Training mit Lerntechnik auf Stufe 0 wurden ' + (lerntechsaving >= 86400
    ? String(Math.floor(lerntechsaving / 86400)) + ' Tage, ' : '') + String(Math.floor((lerntechsaving % 86400) / 3600))
    + ' Stunden und ' + String(Math.floor((lerntechsaving % 3600) / 60)) + ' Minuten (Gesamtlernzeit: ' + (lerntechtotalsaving >= 86400
    ? String(Math.floor(lerntechtotalsaving / 86400)) + ' Tage, ' : '') + String(Math.floor((lerntechtotalsaving % 86400) / 3600))
    + ' Stunden und ' + String(Math.floor((lerntechtotalsaving % 3600) / 60)) + ' Minuten) eingespart.' : '')));
