Rusty Toolbox

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Rusty Toolbox (M)
This rusty old toolbox contains spare parts for repairing catapults.
(Spell, level: 1)
  • none
  • This is a magic item that will dissipate over 10 minutes.

Attention: These are default prices at the shops. The market price when trading with other players can vary greatly!

  • With the Rusty Toolbox you can repait the Catapult:
Beispielanwender repariert das Katapult.
  • If the Catapult was repaired already the Quest will still be completed and the following message appears:
Beispielanwender will das Katapult reparieren, es scheint jedoch, als sei es bereits von jemand anderem repariert worden.
  • Using the Rusty Toolbox on any other field will lead to the following message:
Beispielanwender holt einen rostigen Werkzeugkoffer hervor, aber findet nichts, was damit zu reparieren wäre.